" Are you ready to find out things about me? "



Saaakkiiitnya punggungkuuu..
Padahal baru 1/2 jam di warnet...

now listening.. "Berakhirlah sudah semuaa.. kisah ini dan jangan kauuu tangisi lagii.. Sekalipun aq takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamuu....." _by Kerispatih_
Jadi sedih keingat Sammy yang ternyata pemakai PLUS pengedar Narkoba..
Padahal dia kan anak muda Kristen.. ank Tuhan Yesus...
Padahal bagus banget lagunya yang .."BagiMu pujian.. Hormat Kemuliaan.. Kaulah kebanggaan.. di dalam hidupku...... Tiada yang sepertiMu Yesus Tuhanku.."

andd noww,,
lagunya udah kelar..
and now listening.. "Lepaskanlahhh.. ikatanmu dengan akuu.. biar kamu senang.. bila berat... melupakan akuuu.. Pelan-pelan sajaa..." _by kOtak
like that song... ^_^



Let's talk about Love

Sometimes I wondered what I’d be when I grew up
And then I remembered it was anything I dreamed of
I could be a poet or a singer, I can be a scientist
But before I make that decision, lets talk about my list

Let’s talk about love, let’s talk about peace
And living in perfect harmony
Let’s talk about hugs, and talk about ways that we can share

Let’s talk about you, let’s talk about me
Let’s talk about how we can be one big family
Let’s talk about love, talk about love

Sometimes I feel like I want to give my friends a call
To tell them what I’m dreaming and everything I want
I want us to be a little closer
And to always reach out a hand
To be kind to one another
And always understand

It’s all about love, it’s all about peace
To living in perfect harmony
It’s all about hugs, it’s all about ways that we can share

It’s about you, it’s about me
It’s all about how we can be one big family
It’s all about love

Everybody has a heart
Everybody has a smile
Let’s wrap a bow around each one
And give it away once in awhile

It’s all about love, it’s all about peace
To living in perfect harmony
It’s all about hugs, it’s all about ways that we can share

It’s about you, it’s about me
It’s all about how we can be one big family
It’s all about love

It’s all about love, it’s all about peace
To living in perfect harmony
It’s all about hugs, it’s all about ways that we can share

It’s about you, it’s about me
It’s all about how we can be one big family
It’s all about love

Lat’s talk about love
Let’s talk about love

by David Archuleta


Praise the Lord


LEBIH dari pemenang dlm sgala perkara
Iblis t'lah dikalahkan oleh kuasa darahNya
Jika ALLAH dipihak KITA siapa dpt MELAWAN
Kita lebih dari pemenang
HALELUYA kibarkanlah panjiNya
HALELUYA bangkitlah GerejaNya
KITA lebih Lebih dari pemenang